Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12, 2011 Meeting

Sorry that the weather had to go rain on our parade yesterday (literally), but we have rescheduled our yearbook photo to be taken on Monday, January 9th! It's our first meeting after break since we have Jan. 2nd off.
Remember to check your points and plan which events you will need to attend to meet your 50 pt requirement for the semester!

Christmas Caroling is this Friday, Dec. 16th @4-5 PM! This is one of the most popular events each year, and the more people who come the merrier!

Parkhurst Retirement/Seaside Terrace 9925 La Alameda, Fountain Valley, CA 92708

  • Mandatory practice after school at 3 PM in front of the main office
  • 10 pts, 2 pts for driving, 2 pts for dressing up  
  • We’re also offering 3 pts to those who can play an instrument or sing a solo (or in a small group)!
    • Please e-mail us what you would like to do and approximately how long it would take (you can pair up with as many people as you like).
  • Print out the lyrics (attached to the email) and bring them on Friday to practice!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Yearbook Photo!

Just a reminder that we're taking our yearbook photos tomorrow!

Don't forget to report to Room 132 immediately during lunch tomorrow to give us plenty of time to hand out club shirts and then make our way to the grassy knoll.

Also, stay after for a few minutes after the picture so we can make some announcements about upcoming events!

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011 Meeting

Points are updated. Check it and plan which events you will need to attend to meet your 50 pt requirement for the semester!
We’re taking our club picture on Dec. 12th, so get to the next meeting a little early so we'll have plenty of time to pass out t-shirts and then get out to the grassy knoll.

Christmas Caroling! (10 points) on Dec. 16th @ 4-5 PM
Parkhurst Retirement/Seaside Terrace
9925 La Alameda, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
    • Mandatory practice after school at 3 PM in front of the main office
    • We’ll be done around 5:00 PM
    • 10 pts, 2 pts for driving, 2 pts for dressing up  
    • We’re also offering 3 pts to those who can play an instrument or sing!
      • Please e-mail us what you would like to do and approximately how long it would take (you can pair up with people).
    • Check your e-mails for our caroling lyrics so you can print those out before Friday!
Look forward to Ice Skating and Tree Planting in January!
We know these next few weeks are brutal in terms of workload so work hard and keep up your grades, guys! See you next Monday!

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28, 2011 Meeting

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break!

Points are updated on the website and we should be getting our T-shirts soon! Don't forget, we're taking our yearbook picture on Dec. 12th at the grassy knoll.

Christmas Decorating is Dec. 1st @ 4-6 PM at the Alzheimer's Center (10 points)
They will be providing the decorations this time
You may provide rides for extra points!

FV Tree Lighting is Dec. 3rd @ 9 AM-12:30 PM at the FV Rec Center (10 points)
We will be helping set-up the area for the evening's festivities
We will meet each other at the FV Rec Center/Sports Center 

And everyone's favorite, our caroling event will be coming up soon! 
Have a great week & thanks for choosing NHS!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving (Break)!

In place of a meeting this week, we wanted to give you all a heads up for next month!

Christmas Decorating is Dec. 1st @ 4-6 PM at the Alzheimer's Center (10 points)
They will be providing the decorations this time
You may provide rides for extra points!

FV Tree Lighting is Dec. 3rd @ 9 AM-12:30 PM at the FV Rec Center (10 points)
We will be helping set-up the area for the evening's festivities
We will meet each other at the FV Rec Center

And of course, points from the last week are all updated on the website.
We hope you're all having a great Thanksgiving Break! Rest up and have fun!

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14, 2011 Meeting

Thanks to everyone who has shown up to make decorations! The more we make, the happier the patients of the Alzheimer's Center will be! 

Thanksgiving Break is coming up and we want you all resting up with your families, so not much is going on the next two weeks.

Just a heads up, the location we're decorating has changed since the last email (it is no longer the soup kitchen). 

We will meet outside Mrs. Zeigler's room (the outdoor side, not inside the hall) at 3 PM. There, we will arrange rides. Also, we need tape (masking tape) to hang the decorations with, so if you bring some for extra points too!

Thanksgiving Decorating is Nov. 14-17 @ 3:00-4:00 PM in Room 132
We will be making decorations to put up in the Alzheimer's Center!
Staying half an hour will earn you 2 points
Staying a full hour will earn you 5 points
+ extra points if you bring scissors/coloring materials/construction paper/glue
This is a chance to earn 20 points in one week, so don't miss out!

Alzheimer's Center Decorating is Nov. 18 @ 3:30-5 PM (10 points)
20 people signed up today, so thanks to everyone who did!
+ extra points if you bring masking/scotch tape or provide rides

And as always, points are updated on the website.

Have an awesome Thanksgiving Break!

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7, 2011 Meeting

A huge thank you to everyone who submitted a design to the t-shirt contest! Way to support the club! Design #2 was the voted winner and the shirt will be grey. 

Just a reminder, we are no longer working Special Olympics this Saturday. Don't get your panties in a twist, there are many chances to make up for this lost point opportunity.

Thanksgiving Decorating is Nov. 14-18 @ 3:00-4:00 PM every day
We will be making decorations to put up in the FV Soup Kitchen!
Staying half an hour will earn you 2 points
Staying a full hour will earn you 5 points
+ extra points if you bring scissors/coloring materials
This is a chance to earn 25 points in one week, so don't miss out!

Soup Kitchen Decorating is Nov. 19 @ 9-11 AM (10 points)
It'll be at Someone Cares Soup Kitchen in Costa Mesa (address and directions are in the sidebar)
20 people max -- Priority will be given to band and colorguard
+ extra points if you bring masking/scotch tape or provide rides

And as always, points are updated on the website.

Have a great 3-day weekend!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

T-Shirt Design Contest

Reminder: Deadline is Nov. 6th
We want another awesome shirt to represent NHS this year! The winner will receive 10 points
We'll vote for the design at our Nov. 7 meeting. 
Guidelines are as follows:
  • May be in black&white or color (try to limit to one or two colors to keep the cost of the shirt down)
  • May be front and back
  • Include the words ‘National Honor Society’ or ‘NHS’
  • Include the words 'Fountain Valley High School' or 'FVHS'
  • Try to incorporate our Baron head, NHS logo (torch), and/or the four main pillars of our club CSLS (Character Scholarship Leadership Service)
  • If the design is hand-drawn, it must be converted to an electronic file format that can be sent to the t-shirt printer
Any graphics program is cool. Last year's winner was done entirely on Paint:

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011 Meeting

Hope you're all having a fabulous Edison Week!

Thanks to everyone who volunteered/attended the Halloween Carnival. Our game booth was a success, bringing in $200 for the club! We couldn't have done it without you guys!

Reminder: T-shirt Design Contest deadline is Nov. 6th! Please submit your design by email.  

Upcoming Events:

OC Chocolate Festival is THIS Saturday, Nov. 5th @ 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM (1o points)
The volunteer coordinator for the festival has been a bit ambiguous regarding specifics, so we'll send out another email soon about where to meet and when.
Where: FV Recreation Center (on Brookhurst/Heil)
We will be helping run booths at the festival, talk to Rosie about the volunteering t-shirts.  

Special Olympics is NEXT Saturday, Nov. 12th @ 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (10 points)
More information will be coming next week, but we need about 20 people to help out!
Where: FV Recreation Center (on Brookhurst/Heil)

Thanksgiving Decorating is Nov. 14-18 @ 3:00-4:00 PM every day
We will be making decorations to put up in the FV Soup Kitchen!
Staying half an hour will earn you 2 points
Staying a full hour will earn you 5 points
+ extra points if you bring scissors/coloring materials

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011 Meeting

Thank you for your transcripts and membership donations.  Hopefully everyone is excited as we are because there is a lot going on the next few weeks!

Upcoming Events:

Souplantation Dine-Out is Wednesday, Oct. 26th between 5:00 and 8:00 PM

Print the flyer from the email or off of facebook and present it at the register. Sign in with Jaime, present your receipt at the next meeting, or ask Nhi/Kelly to take a picture of you to earn your points! - 10 points +2 per guest (2 guests max)
Halloween Club Carnival is THIS Saturday, Oct. 29th 6:00 to 11:00 PM
We currently have the following volunteers:
✔ 6 members in PREPPING: Friday, Oct. 28th at 2:00-4:00 PM, in room 132 - 10 points
(Karen P., Samar S., Tiffany T., Pauline H., Alex N., Kristine T.)
✔ 4 members in 6:00-8:30 PM shift - 10 points
(Ann L., Samar S., Annie P., Dorothy N.)
 4 members in 8:30-11:30 PM shift (includes clean-up) - 12 points 
(Maria N., Tyler M., Sarina D., Silvia T.)
If you’re not volunteering, come & sign in at our booth for 5 points. This will be a great fundraiser for NHS and FVHS as a whole!

Chocolate Festival is NEXT Saturday, Nov. 5 @ 6:00-8:00 PM (time tentative)
Thanks to anyone who attended the volunteer training tonight. We will fill you in on shift details/time at the next meeting.

And don't forget to thank Tyler and Christine for the new website @
Visit for regular updates and meeting recaps. Locations and times of events can be found here as well!

The next few weeks are going to be insane, but let's make the best of it :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 17, 2011 Meeting

Returning Members: Your transcript print out is due at our next meeting (Oct. 24) to verify a 3.5 GPA.

All Members: The $15 membership donation is due to Tracy by our next meeting (Oct. 24).
Souplantation Dine Out/Social is Wednesday, Oct. 26th between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM.
Come to the FV Souplantation (on Euclid next to the Costco) with the attached flyer [PRINT IT OUT :)]. Buy a meal and a drink to help support the club! To earn your points, please check in with Jaime, get your picture taken by Kelly or Nhi, or bring a copy of your receipt to the next meeting. You will receive 10 points for going, plus 2 points for each guest you bring (maximum 2).

Halloween Club Carnival is on Saturday, Oct. 29th between 6:00 PM and 11:PM.
We signed up for set-up and booth spots today. However, we still have one slot open for the 6:00-8:30 shift (10 points) and one slot open for the 8:30-11:30 shift (12 points). For the 6 people in the prep team, the meeting date is Oct. 28th in Zeigler's room right after school! Anyone who is not part of set-up or booth duty, attending the event and signing in at the NHS booth will still earn you 5 points! Come support not just NHS, but FVHS!

Design a National Honor Society T-Shirt! 
Don't forget to submit a T-shirt Design! The chosen designer will receive 10 points! We've already received some great designs, but submissions are open until Oct. 31. We want to have an awesome shirt for our yearbook picture and to wear at events! Guidelines are as follows:
  • May be in black and white, or color (try to limit to one or two colors to keep the cost of the shirt down)
  • May be front and back
  • Include the words ‘National Honor Society’ or ‘NHS’
  • Include the words 'Fountain Valley High School' or 'FVHS'
  • Try to incorporate our Baron head, NHS logo (torch), and/or the four main pillars of our club CSLS (Character Scholarship Leadership Service)
  • If the design is hand-drawn, it must be converted to an electronic file format that can be presented to the club for voting

One last thing! If you attend the meeting, don't forget to check in with Jaime! If you leave before the meeting is over, your point will not be counted, even if you already checked in.