Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012 Meeting

For the handful of you who have not gotten your shirts yet, we will give them to you at the next meeting. Since finals are rolling around, we won't have as many events this month.

Remember to check your points and plan which events you will need to attend to meet your 50 pt requirement for the semester!

GOVERNMENT SENIORS! If you need gov't hours signed off, talk to Jaime or Christine!

HB Tree Society Cleaning is next Saturday, Jan. 21 @9-11 AM! The park is on Ellis hill, but more specific directions will be coming shortly.
  • If you're under 18, you need to fill out a waiver (found here at
  • 10 points for attending, +2 points for driving, +1 point for wearing the club shirt
Ice Skating will be on Saturday after finals week! You will be able to bring guests for extra points, and more details will be given at the next meeting!

Surf City is Sunday, Feb. 5 @ 10:30-2:30 PM! This is the last event that will count towards 1st semester points. It's is a fun event, but we unfortunately have only 20 volunteer slots. We must submit a roster for the event to the Surf City committee by the end of the week. It's first come first served, so sign up on this google doc if you're going: