Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012 Meeting

It's been a while, but we're glad to see everyone again! No more breaks for the next month, so we hope you're all hanging in there! Here are our upcoming events.

Please turn in your first semester transcripts to an NHS board member by the end of March.

Campus Beautification Day 
Sign in at the volunteer table before and after you work. Don't forget to write NHS as the club you're contributing to, otherwise we won't know you were there!
    • Where: FVHS Campus
    • When: Saturday, March 24 @ 8-12
    • Wear closed toes shoes and clothes you won't mind getting dirty in
    • This is a great way to also get service hours and help our very own campus!
Discovery Center
The coordinator has not yet given us specifics on our volunteer schedule, so please give us a few days for further details.
    • Where: Santa Ana Science Discovery Center
    • When: Saturday, March 31 @ 8-1 (but we'll be breaking into two shifts)
    • Wear white top and black pants
Also, look forward to helping at FV's annual Easter Egg Hunt in the first week of April! See you all next week :)