Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12, 2012

Applications are here!  

If you are not a returning member to NHS, you must submit an application to be considered.  We will review all applications (due October 5th) by hand and notify individuals upon acceptance.  Please refer to the application itself for more details.  If you still have questions or concerns email  Best of luck!

Returning Members: We'll need a copy of your transcript (off the portal is acceptable) in the near future - more info to come.  Also note that we have our annual t-shirt design contest - see the last page of the membership application for guidelines - that we hope you consider participating in.  See you soon!

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 2012 Meeting

It's been a while, but we're glad to see everyone again! No more breaks for the next month, so we hope you're all hanging in there! Here are our upcoming events.

Please turn in your first semester transcripts to an NHS board member by the end of March.

Campus Beautification Day 
Sign in at the volunteer table before and after you work. Don't forget to write NHS as the club you're contributing to, otherwise we won't know you were there!
    • Where: FVHS Campus
    • When: Saturday, March 24 @ 8-12
    • Wear closed toes shoes and clothes you won't mind getting dirty in
    • This is a great way to also get service hours and help our very own campus!
Discovery Center
The coordinator has not yet given us specifics on our volunteer schedule, so please give us a few days for further details.
    • Where: Santa Ana Science Discovery Center
    • When: Saturday, March 31 @ 8-1 (but we'll be breaking into two shifts)
    • Wear white top and black pants
Also, look forward to helping at FV's annual Easter Egg Hunt in the first week of April! See you all next week :)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Surf City Information!

First of all, this is a reminder that our Surf City even is 10:30 to 2:30 PM tomorrow, so please meet in front of the Baron head at 10 tomorrow. We still need people to give rides for points! You will be provided with t-shirts at the event, and we suggest wearing cool clothing since it's projected to reach a high of 73 tomorrow. 

Everyone needs to fill out the waiver attached to the email in order to participate at Surf City event! We have also attached parking and drop-off passes that you should print out if you are doing either. 

The parking address is 21100 Pacific Coast Highway. See the attached word doc for more specific NHS volunteer instructions!

Here's the list of everyone who signed up. Let us know if there are any changes so we know who to wait for in front of the school tomorrow.

See you then!

Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012 Meeting

It's FINALS WEEK! Study hard, but take care of yourselves too!

We apologize for HB Tree Society's cancellation, but rest assured, you'll have plenty of chances to make the requirement. Here's a run-down of our upcoming events that will count towards first semester...

Anaheim Ice Skating (10 points) with OpS
If you haven't bought a ticket yet, you can find Rosie or Christine every morning in Room 306 or any other NHS board member!
    • When: January 28th @ 7-9 PM
    • +2 points/guest, 2 guests max for points
    • Get a $13 presale ticket from any NHS board member, or pay $15 at the door
Surf City Event (10 points)
    • When: February 5th @10:30-2:30
    • We'll meet at the baron head at 10:15 -- more info to come but we need rides!
Valentine’s Movie Night (10 points) with CSF

    • Enjoy a fun night with friends watching a movie friday night! (we'll let you know when we're sure of our movie choice)
    • When: February 10th @ 6:30-8:30 PM
    • $5 to get in, pizza&soda, and photobooth!

Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9, 2012 Meeting

For the handful of you who have not gotten your shirts yet, we will give them to you at the next meeting. Since finals are rolling around, we won't have as many events this month.

Remember to check your points and plan which events you will need to attend to meet your 50 pt requirement for the semester!

GOVERNMENT SENIORS! If you need gov't hours signed off, talk to Jaime or Christine!

HB Tree Society Cleaning is next Saturday, Jan. 21 @9-11 AM! The park is on Ellis hill, but more specific directions will be coming shortly.
  • If you're under 18, you need to fill out a waiver (found here at
  • 10 points for attending, +2 points for driving, +1 point for wearing the club shirt
Ice Skating will be on Saturday after finals week! You will be able to bring guests for extra points, and more details will be given at the next meeting!

Surf City is Sunday, Feb. 5 @ 10:30-2:30 PM! This is the last event that will count towards 1st semester points. It's is a fun event, but we unfortunately have only 20 volunteer slots. We must submit a roster for the event to the Surf City committee by the end of the week. It's first come first served, so sign up on this google doc if you're going: